After a lot of technical hard work from Alan`s side and my creativity...
(Thanks honey! You never fail to amaze me, in everything that you do!)
Together we have come up with a new looking blog, compared to the old one.
We just thought that our blog needed an overhaul new look... and we are very happy with this one.
(Although it still is a work in progress!!!)
Changes are often hard, and while this one is only a small one, this one is no different.
So many questions now...
How do we change this? And that? Will I and YOU get used to the new format?
Will my old friends still stop by for a visit?
Will new friends find me?
Only time will tell, I suppose!
But all I can say is that so far, it feels good and very exciting!
It feels good to have a fresh, clean space to fill with what we hope will be many lovely posts!
A new fresh and hopefully promising BEGINNING...
So, while there aren`t many pictures on the wall yet, and no chairs to sit in...
The kettle is always brewing and yummy fresh home made cake awaits you, when ever you feel like stopping by!
And we do hope you will come in, and make yourself at home...
Lovely people, lives here! :-)
Also, if you are a regular visitor to our website, you may have noticed that the past two weeks, we haven`t listed many treasures, as we have been busy with this make-over, and also enjoying some much needed days off, as a family!
And we hope that so have you!
We will also be doing a similar make-over to our site... and business will still continue as normal and we are looking forward to serve you!
Till next time...