My recent absence has not been without good reason and even now I`m still finding it hard to believe...
that after years of dreaming of one day having my little shop, (since being a little girl, in fact) it finally has materialized one month ago.
that after years of dreaming of one day having my little shop, (since being a little girl, in fact) it finally has materialized one month ago.

And so we did, but until then we rented an office just so I could pursue with our website business for one year as some of you may know...
But after a lot of carefully thinking me and Alan decided to go ahead of making my long time dream come through, and after two months or hard work...
Painting, pricing, transforming small pieces of shabby furniture into chic again and more painting, this time our display cabinets that my sweet Alan made...

Hurray we can finally open the doors to our new costumers!
Strangers which are now friends and costumers of ours have being so very supportive and have been helping us one way or another.
And we truly appreciate their kindness!
Sometimes praise or words of encouragement means so much more than people realize... to me anyway!
And we truly appreciate their kindness!
Sometimes praise or words of encouragement means so much more than people realize... to me anyway!
(Specially this lovely couple... Maisie and Tom) who have been shopping with us since I first had my first website which was called Tres Chic, four years ago?
Wow! has it been that long?
And of course, I couldn`t leave you out... another HUGE THANK YOU goes for you as well, my blog friend(s) for your support!
Although I`m afraid I have been away for the blogland for so long, and I feel as if I have neglected you all! So apologies from me to you!
Another HUGE THANK YOU to our family and friends for your support when in doubt, and specially Alan`s sweet parents for looking after our treasures...
a lot of the time, so we could get jobs done.
But the bigger THANK YOU OF ALL, must go for Alan, for making another one of my dreams come through...
I`m still finding hard to believe that I`m now playing shops for real!:-)
Okay, I won`t bore you anymore.
Enjoy looking at the photos of our lovely shop, and I will try to catch up with you all soon...Wow! has it been that long?
And of course, I couldn`t leave you out... another HUGE THANK YOU goes for you as well, my blog friend(s) for your support!
Although I`m afraid I have been away for the blogland for so long, and I feel as if I have neglected you all! So apologies from me to you!
Another HUGE THANK YOU to our family and friends for your support when in doubt, and specially Alan`s sweet parents for looking after our treasures...
a lot of the time, so we could get jobs done.
But the bigger THANK YOU OF ALL, must go for Alan, for making another one of my dreams come through...
I`m still finding hard to believe that I`m now playing shops for real!:-)
Okay, I won`t bore you anymore.
And by the way, do try to keep warm!
This is what my lovely costumers first see as they come in...

blue and white china...

The fabric that I used was more like for upholstery... so my fingers were quite sore.
But, the pain was worth it in the end. Me thinks!:-)

The better!
I used a 19ct french fabric for the heart.

Yuppie! So now I`m wondering what to replace them with...

And makes a lovely feature in this room.

Hopefully, someone else will!

But got SOLD, before me doing it so. Hurray!

Make this corner, cozy and inviting.

As there`s no other shop in our town who specializes on doing it so.

Oh! And a beautiful Singer manequin also!
Which is been used to showcase vintage brooches...
And has space avaiable, to add a few more to it.

And was SOLD to a lovely young couple who are setting their first home together!
They also bought the black table which I hand painted.
(Thank you so much to both of you!)
These treasures, couldn`t have SOLD to a nicer couple.

Makes a lovely feature in this room,
and showcases a number of pretty treasures
to entice costumers as they wait to be served...

Lovely huge welsh dresser which is for sale, still...

And I`ve just finished painting tree others to replace these...
(Although they are smaller).

Was SOLD to the same lady who bought the wax doll...
it will be a Christmas present
for her lovely 14 years old daughter.
The original handles were missing,
so I`ve added new handles and the result is a pretty mix of old and new.

Free when they spent £20.00 or over...
I used Cath Kidston, Vintage and French fabrics for these,
as well as lavender and a vintage glass chandelier drop.
(I`m glad to say, that they all went on the first week!)
Anyway, more yummy photos to come on my next post!
Must go now and have my beauty sleep, as I`m hoping for another busy day tomorrow!
Sleep tight everyone, and thanks for stopping by!