Oh! How happy I am to have you join me...
Thanks for accepting my invitation for this afternoon TEA PARTY!

Please, do take a seat.

These are my two cheeky helpers for this afternoon...

I first intended to host this tea party in my little garden... but as it was raining outside, it is now in my living room.
Never mind, we won`t let the rain spoil our fun!:-)
Yummy food and English tea are awaiting for you.

We have some tasty treats.

Cake and juicy strawberries... With whipped cream!!!
Too many calories? Who cares!
Not today, anyway!:-)

Anyone for chocolate?
Come on... Don`t be shy!
I know you want one, or two, or maybe three... :-)

No afternoon tea party is complete without English tea and coffee!

Do you take milk and sugar?
Sorry! I forgot the spoons... Oops!
I certainly need to polish my hostess manners!:-)

And a yummy cake!
Which I should had put marmalade glaze on top, but as this party was quite spontaneous
and prepared with goodies that I had stored in the cupboards, I
didn`t had the top ingredient.
Never mind, still tasty enough! :-)

Please, join me for a chat, as I just L.O.V.E to have your company...

Well, thank you for stopping by!

Time to blow off the candles... for next time!

And put the pretty vintage cutlery and china away...

But... You
didn`t really think you were leaving empty handed did you?
One of my friends, who leaves a comment in this post, (which will be chosen at random) will get this pretty cupcake pin cushion.
Which was handmade by me with L.O.V.E.

Consider it as my tea party
souvenir to you. Also included is the saucer to go with it!
This opportunity is open till Friday evening.
And is open to all!
Well I guess that is enough from here today!
Being a hostess is quite tiring... although a lot of FUN! Time to put my feet up!:-)
I truly enjoyed your company!